Up in the Orchard we have
just completed thinning the apples….using our lovely new Niwaki ladder
(Japanese no less) which surely means the trees are indeed growing. In fact the
Bramley Seedling is pretty enormous now and is carrying a good crop for the
first time. However Bountiful, another cooking apple, which did so very well
last year, is hardly bearing any fruit at all. The Herefordshire Russets are
looking good, as are Katy (really early) and Ellison’s Orange.
The Sunset which was nibbled
by the rabbit in February has had the “bandage” removed now and the bark
appears to be hardening off. BUT we have been advised to remove most of the
apples in order to spare its strength. Its twin, the other Sunset, is looking
great….I think they are my favourite in the Orchard!
We do have some problems
with a fungal infection (scab) which means some of the apples crack
somewhat…..letting in disease which then rots them. I am investigating an
organic method to deal with this for next year as it seems to be on the
increase in the Northern part of the Orchard.
The 6 pear trees all have
some fruit but the Buerre Hardys have the most and have a delicious flavour….a connoisseur’s
We are planning two
Harvest and Tasting days
Sunday 18 and Saturday 24
September from 2.30pm.
Do come along…..you will be
able to test each apple (and possibly pear) that is ripe, and will be able to
take some home too.