Monday 17 December 2018

Wassail bonfire

We have just had a successful couple of hours in the Orchard gathering wood for the Wassail bonfire.....the large pile is covered now so hopefully the wood will be dry enough to make a good blaze when we come to build the bonfire on Sunday 20 January 2019.  We also collected pine cones which we take home to dry thoroughly, and these make the base of the fire together with dry kindling and candle ends (+ a few other secret ingredients tucked in by our magical bonfire builders).
We were pleased to have some families helping. Also we had our two Duke of Edinburgh students giving us a hand many thanks to everyone who helped.
We look froward to seeing everyone at the WASSAIL.


Wednesday 12 December 2018


Community Garden in Hurst Green

On 8 December we met at the new Community Garden in Hurst Green (behind the shops) to help planting the first apple trees in the area of ground which is going to be developed for all things EDIBLE. There is a very sturdy fence so these trees (all eaters) are going to be grown as cordons.......we will be able to watch the trees progress and learn how to manage pruning on cordons which is mostly done in the summer. 
The apples chosen include a graft of Herefordshire Russet which is one that we grow very successfully at the Community Orchard.