Sunday 6 October 2024

Save the date - Wassail 2025


Sunday 19th January 2025

  • From 4.30pm - Assemble inside Limpsfield British Legion
  • 5.30pm - Torchlit procession through the woods to the Orchard where we offer cider, toast and salt to the King Tree to ensure a good harvest. 
  • Bring a torch and a mug, also rattles, drums, whistles, tins; anything to make a loud noise & ward off bad spirits. 
  • Wear footwear suitable for walking through muddy woods. Warm & waterproof clothing - the more colourful, the better. 
  • Mulled cider & apple juice around the bonfire & a singalong.

Everyone is welcome. This is a family-friendly event. 
Limited parking. Please only bring a car if necessary. 
Donations very welcome to help us cover our costs. 

Tasting Day 2024 Round Up

A downpour was forecast for our Annual Tasting Day but after some deliberation, we decided to proceed with the event and hope for the best. Luck favoured the bold as the rain held off until after we'd packed up! 

It was so lovely to see so many people from the community come together to enjoy the Orchard space and see the great work our lovely volunteers have done to keep the Orchard looking tip-top. It's been a bit of a sparse year for fruit at the Orchard so we were fortunate that Friends of the Orchard answered our call for apples from the local area to help provide content for tasting. Attendees enjoyed sampling the different apples on offer and comparing the tastes, texture and smells of each variety.

A selection of homemade apple cakes went down a treat, and children took part in the treasure hunt around the Orchard. 

Thanks to everyone who attended!  

Sunday 1 September 2024

2024 Tasting Day & Picnic

Tasting Day & Picnic

Sunday 22nd September 2024
2.30pm - 4.30pm

This year we're hosting a picnic alongside our annual Tasting Day. Come and join us to taste this year's crop, see how the trees are doing and join in with the children's treasure hunt. 

Why not visit us via the Orchard Trail, which starts at St Peter's Churchyard? We welcome you to enjoy some time down at the Orchard and look forward to seeing you there. 

Saturday 15 June 2024

June 2024 Update


Due to unforeseen circumstances we have decided to postpone the summer picnic we had planned for the 23rd June 2024. We were really looking forward to this and are sorry to disappoint those who were planning to attend. A new date will be sent out once we've been able to reschedule so please look out for future LCO newsletters. 

This month we completed our first biodiversity audit of the flora found at the Orchard. The survey recorded twenty-eight varieties of flowers and eight varieties of grasses! We've listed the results from the audit and a few photos below. Have you been to the Orchard recently and if so, have you spotted any that we might have missed?

  • Wood avens/Herb bennet (Geum urbanum)
  • Small balsam (Impatiens parvaflora)
  • Blackberry/bramble (Rubus fruticosus)
  • Creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens)
  • Meadow buttercup (Ranunculus acris)
  • Red Campion (Silene dioica)
  • White clover (Trifolium repens)
  • Common cornsalad (Valeriana locusta)
  • Long-stalked Cranesbill (Geranium columbinum)
  • Ox-eye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)
  • Dog rose (Rosa caninus)
  • Eyebright (Euphrasia)
  • Forget-me-not (Myosotis arvensis)
  • Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
  • Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum)
  • Hogweed (Heracleum sibiricum)
  • Garlic mustard/ Jack-in-the-hedge (Allaria petiolata)
  • Elder (Sambucus nigra)
  • Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)
  • Sticky jack/common cleavers (Galium aparine)
  • Lesser stitchwort (Stellaria graminea)
  • Common sorrel (Rumex acitosa)
  • Creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense)
  • Germander speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys)
  • Birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)
  • Vervain (Verbena officinalis)
  • Broad-leaved willow herb (Epilobium montanum)
  • Common male fern (Dryopteris filix-mas)

  • Crested Dog’s Tail
  • Fescue
  • Meadow grass, smooth
  • Perennial Rye-grass
  • Sedge or rush
  • Sweet Vernal
  • Timothy
  • Yorkshire Fog

Friday 12 April 2024

Spring Clean

row of 6 colour blocked flowers with the text Blossom above

Our volunteers have been busy at our working parties keeping the Orchard in good condition and what better way to be rewarded than to see the pear blossom out! There is still a couple of weeks before the apple blossom arrives. We won't be having a special event for blossom viewing this year but would encourage you to take a few visits over the coming weeks to see the Orchard transform into something quite magical. 

row of 6 alternate colourful apples and pears with the text Save the date above
Bring along your picnic blankets and baskets to our summer picnic on the 23rd June. It'll be a great opportunity to enjoy time in the Orchard with other Orchard Friends and members of the local community. Here's hoping for a dry and sunny day! 

row of 6 block colour birds with the text Bird Boxes
Unfortunately one of our bird boxes was vandalised, which will now need to be taken down but we've bought three new bird boxes and an owl box from the good folk at The Woodhouse Centre in Oxted. We're pleased to support such a great enterprise that offers so much to our community and would encourage you to check them out. 

new wooden gate entrance to orchard with trees in background

New Gate Sign Post
Our lovely new gate (pictured above) situated by Westerham Road has improved accessibility to the Orchard making it easier to use. All that's left is to adorn it with a new gate sign post, which will be coming soon.

row of 6 colour block hands with the text "Volunteer"
Get Involved
As you may know, our Orchard relies on your generous donations, be that time, money or both. We're grateful to each and every one of you that helps make this Orchard exist for the benefit of our community. We're always on the lookout for volunteers and as the weather starts to improve, you might consider volunteering with us at our working parties that are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 9.30am. It's great opportunity to get outdoors, socialise and learn more about the Orchard. 

We're also on the lookout for a volunteer(s) to help organise our next Wassail. It's a great event for the Orchard and well attended by the community. If you would like to volunteer in any way, we'd love to hear from you. Contact us via email or our Facebook Page

Best wishes from the Limpsfield Community Orchard Team 

Monday 19 February 2024

Wassail 2024 Round-Up

We held our annual wassail back in January and it was wonderful to see so many members of our community at the event, including friends of the orchard, some of which volunteered with us on the day - thank you! Those of you local to the Oxted area may have seen the write up in the Oxted Local by our very own Robin. 

Our heartfelt gratitude to Carolle who stepped up to organise the event for a second time. Carolle is stepping down from organising our future Wassails so we're on the look out for anyone who might be able to help us organise next year's event. If this sounds like something you'd like to get involved with, please contact us; we'd love to hear from you! 

🍏🍎 Wassail Organiser Extraordinaire - Carolle 🍏🍎 

Our very well dressed Wassail Masters, Stephen and James, did a wonderful job of leading the proceedings on the evening together with the North Downs Drummers who led the procession from the British Legion to the Orchard. We would also like to express our thanks to the Titsey Rotary Club, whose members made up half of our volunteer team on the day and helped collect donations on our behalf.

🍏🍎 Wassail Masters, Stephen and James 🍏🍎 

🍏🍎 North Downs Drummers leading the procession 🍏🍎 

🍏🍎 Bonfire 🍏🍎 

The Rotary have also very kindly donated further funds to cover the cost of our new gate which is being installed very soon. 

Our volunteers have also been busy at our work parties keeping the orchard in tip top condition with the winter pruning which requires every branch to be pruned at this time of year to ensure each tree is in the best possible shape to bear plenty of fruits later in the year. It's a lovely time to visit the orchard just as we start to emerge out of winter and into spring; a big contrast to the time of year when our trees are in bloom! If you would like to get involved with our working parties, please email us to let us know. We'd love to hear from you and see you at the orchard! 

Here's hoping for a very fruitful year ahead from the Orchard! 

Limpsfield Community Orchard Team

Sunday 17 December 2023

Wassail 2024


Sunday 14th January 2024

  • From 4.30pm - Assemble inside Limpsfield British Legion
  • 5.30pm - Torchlit procession through the woods to the Orchard where we offer cider, toast and salt to the King Tree to ensure a good harvest. 
  • Bring a torch and a mug, also rattles, drums, whistles, tins; anything to make a loud noise & ward off bad spirits!
  • Wear footwear suitable for walking through muddy woods. Warm & waterproof clothing - the more colourful, the better!
  • Mulled cider & apple juice around the bonfire & a singalong.

Everyone is welcome
This is a family-friendly event. Please label your child with your mobile number. 
Limited parking. Please only bring a car if necessary. 
Donations very welcome to help us cover our costs.