Sunday 6 October 2024

Tasting Day 2024 Round Up

A downpour was forecast for our Annual Tasting Day but after some deliberation, we decided to proceed with the event and hope for the best. Luck favoured the bold as the rain held off until after we'd packed up! 

It was so lovely to see so many people from the community come together to enjoy the Orchard space and see the great work our lovely volunteers have done to keep the Orchard looking tip-top. It's been a bit of a sparse year for fruit at the Orchard so we were fortunate that Friends of the Orchard answered our call for apples from the local area to help provide content for tasting. Attendees enjoyed sampling the different apples on offer and comparing the tastes, texture and smells of each variety.

A selection of homemade apple cakes went down a treat, and children took part in the treasure hunt around the Orchard. 

Thanks to everyone who attended!  

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